TOYO KEIZAI's data has developed a reputation for its individuality and accuracy, and is widely used by hedge funds and investment management companies in both Japan and overseas. Our data can be deployed for quantitative, fundamental and various other investment strategies.
TOYO KEIZAI Estimates Data, Company Earnings Guidance Data, and Fundamentals provided by TOYO KEIZAI all contain long-term accumulated historical data, encompass a broad range of fields, and as such are ideal for quantitative analysis and fundamental analysis.
TOYO KEIZAI's free float weight can be utilized to estimate free float shares of all listed companies in Japan.
We can provide ESG information collected by TOYO KEIZAI through independent research, which can be utilized for a broad range of purposes such as ESG factors to be incorporated into equity valuation. Article written by TOYO KEIZAI analysts can be also utilized for qualitative text analysis.
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