Toyo Keizai Estimates

Toyo Keizai Estimates provides comprehensive earnings forecasts information for all listed companies in Japan for two terms. Our analysts report every company directly and make an original forecast. We have trusted by both individual and institutional investors in Japan as well as overseas.

Why Toyo Keizai?

  • Full coverage of all listed companies in Japanese exchanges
    We provide not only large cap data but also small cap. Now our data covers over 3700 companies.
  • Two terms forecasts
    Our data contains current fiscal year data and we also have forecasts for next fiscal year and next interim settlement.
  • Leading estimates in Japan
    Toyo Keizai Estimates is one of the most dominant forecasts in Japan.

Sample Use Cases

  • Reference information for investment
    Many banks and hedge funds avail themselves of Toyo Keizai Estimates in order to find investment destinations.
  • For modelling
    Toyo Keizai Estimates can be used for modelling. For example, you can make Discounted Dividend Model By DPS.
  • Alternative for the company's forecast
    In case the companies don't disclose earning estimates, you can refer to Toyo Keizai Estimates instead.


Coverage All listed companies in Japan excluding BOJ, preferred stock, foreign Stock, ETF, REIT, subsidiary tracking stock, etc.
Data History Weekly update since 1995
Daily update since 2001
Fields Annual and interim estimates for each field: sales, operating income, current profit, net profit, EPS, and DPS.
Frequency Weekly or Daily update
Delivery ・Internet FTP TREND3EPOT(RDB)
・Vendors feed (FactSet, S&P Global Market Intelligence, RIMES, Refinitiv)
Vendors Information Vendors cooperate with Toyo Keizai:
Some vendors can not adapt for daily update.

S&P Capital IQ

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