Toyo Keizai Online

Toyo Keizai Online, the No. 1 business magazine news site supported by business people who are active on the front lines. We support advertisers' businesses with variety menu.

Toyo Keizai Online is an online media launched in June 2003 by Toyo Keizai Inc., the publisher of Weekly Toyo Keizai and Kaisha Shikiho, a quarterly company databook. Since a major overhaul in November 2012, Toyo Keizai Online has seen rapid increases in PVs and UBs and has maintained one of the top position among business magazine-affiliated sites.

Features of Toyo Keizai Online

  1. 200 million PVs per month; overwhelming capacity to attract viewers

    Articles from Toyo Keizai’s approximately 50 journalists and talented writers are featured every day. As a staple of economic news that can be read for free, the site has gained the support of many readers and continues to attract new viewers.

  2. Maximum power of individual articles

    While newspaper companies and other news media distribute 20,000 or more articles each month, Toyo Keizai Online posts only about 500.
    The PVs per article are high, maximizing influence.

  3. Well-informed readers accustomed to complex text

    Toyo Keizai Online articles are relatively long, and articles that extend to several thousand words are not uncommon.
    The site is favored by readers who are accustomed to lengthy text.

  4. Viewed by a wide range of businesspeople from top managers to on-site personnel

    Toyo Keizai Online’s main readers are active businesspeople.
    The site boasts a broad viewership ranging from employers and executives to managers and on-site personnel.

  5. Diverse range of articles beyond business, politics, and economics, including career development, education, and lifestyle

    Toyo Keizai Online presents articles in various genres written from unique perspectives. As well as articles on business, politics, and economics, the site features articles on lifestyle and child education favored by women.

These are the readers of Toyo Keizai Online

  • 40 years old,
    lives in Tokyo region,
    university graduate

  • Married, dual-income household,
    has children

    Lives in a single-family home, owns a car

  • Section chief-department manager class
    in a manufacturing companies with about 1,000 employees

  • Digitalization in the company
    strong sense of challenge
    DX promotion
    highly motivated

  • Has financial assets of 10 million yen or more

  • 65.1%
    of readers have high interest in

  • Plan to purchase
    fashion, cosmetics,
    appliances, automobiles

  • 45.0%
    of readers are

Survey Summary

Survey subjects:
Sample of 1,000 employed men and women located throughout Japan who read Toyo Keizai Online
Survey period:
February 2, 2022 - February 14, 2022
Survey organization:
Online questionnaire by Rakuten Insight

Toyo Keizai Online’s programmatic advertising

Toyo Keizai Online welcomes PMP orders from global regions such as Asia-Pacific, the Americas, Europe and etc. We have experience of global PMP orders, including corporate services for the Japanese market. You can purchase advertising spaces directly from DSP using Google's DV360.

Toyo Keizai Online's programmatic advertising was quick to address the issues of ad-fraud and brand risk impressions, and we are working on various adverification measures. Ad viewability is counted as "ad impressions seen by users" when 50% or more of the ad creative area is displayed on the screen for more than one second. Viewable PMP is delivered using Integral Ad Science's optimized delivery technology.

Reliability of Advertising Space : Viewability

Arranging advertising space with viewability that exceeds international and national averages

Reliability of Advertising Space : Brand Risk (Overall Risk)

Arranging advertising space with brand risks that are below the international and national averages

Reliability of Advertising Space : Ad Fraud

Preparing advertising spaces with clicks by means of bots, etc. that are lower than international or national averages