Affiliates data

Database of information on consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies of all listed companies in Japan. Containing information including the relationship between the parent company and the subsidiary, as well as the shareholding ratio of the parent company in its subsidiaries and affiliates, the database can be utilized for a wide range of purposes such as in relation to insider trading regulations for securities companies or credit control of financial institutions.


Format Text data
Coverage The database covers domestic subsidiaries and affiliates of listed companies (including some unlisted companies), containing information on a total of approximately 33,000 companies (approximately 3,000 parent companies and 30,000 subsidiaries and affiliates).
Items Company name,Company code, Postal code, Address, Telephone number,Representative, Consolidated flag, Establishment year and date, URL, The Number of Employees, 
Common stock, Sales, Operating Profit, Current profit, Net profit, Dividend per share, etc.     
Updates Every February, May, August, November.
Delivery CD-R / Internet FTP
Price Please contact us.

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